Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

Thought we would receive rain yesterday, for the most part, it never came.  Maybe today.

The British have voted to exit the European Union and I wonder why. Sometimes we feel the ‘same old same old’ is not working for hard working regular folks.  Hopefully, it is a good move.  It will take several years to know, for sure.

How do you feel about America?  Seems many ordinary folks have ‘given up’ on our system.  Sometimes, change is good, sometime not so good.  How do we know if a drastic change is good or bad….don’t know.  Always heard the greater the gamble, the greater the reward, but only if it is good.

I think we need some assurance from our elected officials that ‘regular’ folks are getting a fair shake at all levels of government.  Doesn’t feel that way right now.

Maybe our elected officials should listen more to the voters and less to their leaders, be more honest about how and why certain laws are being considered.  Seems to me like a fair system of representation would be a good step, example, no cramming and jamming when redistricting is the topic.

Most folks I know just want a more level playing field.  We shall see.  This is not a party thing, representatives of both major US parties are guilty.

Last thought, think many of our leaders leave ‘common sense’ at the city limits when entering Raleigh and Washington.

Now, back to the real world.

Remember the Rowe theater in E-town, The Center theater in Clarkton and Wonet and Elm theaters in Bladenboro, and how about the drive-in theater near Bladenboro?  That my friend was a long time ago.

I cannot sing, dance or act; what else would I be but a talk show host.  David Letterman

The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Accordion: An instrument whose music is long drawn out.  Anonymous

robert g hester



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