Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWhat a difference a week makes, weatherwise.

Interesting facts related to Bladen County……

Bladen County was created in 1734 and gained county status in 1739.  It was named for Martin Bladen, a member of the Board of Trade

The county has total area of 887 square miles of which 874 square miles is land, 13 square miles of water.  Bladen County is the fourth-largest county in North Carolina by land area.

In 2010 the population was 35,190 with a density of 40 residents per square miles.

Bladen County is considered the ‘mother county’ of North Carolina.  55 or the 100 North Carolina counties at one point belonged to Bladen County.

While Lake was called Silver Lake at one time, years ago.

Google Bladen County or any town in the county for historical facts, very interesting, compiled and shared, for the most part, by area historians over the years.

Check our BladenOnline Upcoming Events for area activities.  The next big event is the Martin Luther King holiday and local parade Monday.

A week from now we will have a new President.  Get use to President Trump.

A year ago, few gave Donald Trump much of a chance of being president.  Republican candidates included, Bush, Carson, Christie, Cruz, Fiorina, Gilmore, Graham, Huckabee, Jindal, Kasich, Pataki, Paul, Perry, Rubio, Santorum, and Walker.

Democratic candidates included Clinton, Chafee, Lessig, O’Malley, Sanders and Webb and there were more, including Jill Stein (Green) and Gary Johnson (Libertarian).

Trump trumped them all and will be sworn in next Friday.

“Everything is changing.  People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.”  Will Rogers

“He can’t help it.  He was born with a silver foot in his mouth.”  Former Texas Gov. Ann Richards on misstatements made by George Bush, Sr.

“This attractive lady whom I had only recently been introduced to dropped into my lap….I chose not to dump her off.”  Former Senator and presidential candidate Gary Hart, on his encounter with Donna Rice.

robert g hester



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