Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingA couple of reminders,

(1) Today, enjoy a fresh fish plate, courtesy of the local Shriners. Will be taking place in the Food Lion parking lot in E-town. Proceeds benefit Shriner’s Hospitals who provide free medical service to children in need. Eat on the site, or take to the office or home. The weather should be ideal around noontime. 76 degrees, partly cloudy skies and a soft spring breeze, about 5 mph.

(2) Deadline for filing income tax is next Tuesday, April 18. Proceeds go to Congress and the President who determine where and how much….

Saw a news article recently where a former Bladen County Emergency Services Director is now the Director – Intelligence, Security, & Emergency Response at US Department of Transportation in Washington, DC. Michael Lowder came to Bladen County in the ’80s as a SBI agent. He recently represented the US at a NATO conference in Bucharest, Romania. Actually, he has been all around the world in similar roles, China, Russia, to mention a few. From Happy Valley Road, Elizabethtown, NC to locations worldwide. Good to see folks do well.

We are excited our BladenOnline, fearless leaders Charlotte and Erin are scheduled to return home today after some time in Pennsylvania, including stops at chocolate outlets, according to their posts. Just feel safer when they are on the job.

Dixie Youth action in underway and moms and dads, players and coaches are turning out in full force. Keep these youngsters busy, good for them, and good to have volunteers to work with them. Some of my most memorable days were spent on playgrounds with youngsters, 14 years, 14 good years.

Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing. Warren Spahn

Youth baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the kids out of the house and the parents off the street. Yogi Berra

Who in their infinite wisdom decreed that Little League uniforms be white? Certainly not a mother. Erma Bombeck

Author: bladenonline

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