Yesterday’s Bladen We Care golf tournament was a huge success. Thanks to all, 56 teams, or there about, beautiful weather, great meals, caring volunteers, a well groomed golf course (Vineyard at White Lake), just about everything positive you could ask for. The winners, Bladen County residents who need ‘a shoulder to lean on’ in time of a short term medical need. Bladen We Care averages well over $1,000 a week in grants to folks falling through the cracks in our health care system. Can’t solve all the needs, but more than any other group I am aware of. It takes a large group of folks contributing in a small way to make it work, and it has worked for the past 28 years.
A reminder of the Carolina Crossroads fundraiser at Land-O-Lakes Golf Course tomorrow (Saturday). Still room for more players (teams). Proceeds go to the folks providing a very valuable service of working with those suffering from a drug or alcohol problem.
Another tournament on the horizon is the Annual JW & Martha Black golf tournament sponsored by the Bladenboro Rotary club, coming soon.
The Annual Bladen County Educational Fundraiser was held recently, Bladen We Care Gala is set for May 5th, Relay For Life a week later. So many opportunities to make Bladen better. And the White Lake Water Festival is fast approaching. I know there are others, don’t mean to slight anyone. Check BladenOnline’s Events section. Still some may no be listed. We only know what you tell us. We will add your event to our list if you will send info to
Who would have dreamed that email, texting and other forms of communications would replace a telephone call or face to face contact.
Any time there is a re-write of the tax laws, there will be winners and losers. Scary, the cost of government continues to rise, it’s all about who pays and fairness.
As I grow older, my mind says go, my body says ‘whoa’.
Don’t ever question the value of volunteers. Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers; the Titanic was built by professionals. Unknown
The heart of a volunteer is not measured by size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others. DeAnn Hollis
Volunteers are not paid — not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless. Unknown
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