Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThis may not be the ideal weekend to “piddle” outside.  Hot, windy and the chance of rain increasing from 20% today to 40% tomorrow, 60% Saturday night.  Think that means cut my weeds early today, or watch them grow.

Happy Birthday to Rev. David Wade, former pastor at Wesley’s Chapel UMC.  He and some members of his family have had health issues over the past weeks, months, years.  Hope this is a good day for all.

Repeal and replacement of Obamacare is apparently a more difficult task than originally thought.  Especially difficult for Senators facing re-election next year.

Watched a little of the NBA draft last night.  Many young men will receive huge bonuses and a salary to match.  Hope they manage well.  Sad to see athletes who have made big bucks, spent big bucks, now broke and looking for free food and a place to ‘lay their head.’

Final results have not been made released, but Bladen We Care fundraisers earlier this year were apparently very successful.  Good news for Bladen residents falling through the ‘cracks’ in our medical support system, as well as some hopeful of going into the healthcare profession.

The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.  William Osler

Walking is man’s best medicine.  Hippocrates

You may not be able to read a doctor’s handwriting and prescription, but you’ll notice his bills are neatly typewritten.  Earl Wilson

robert g hester

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