Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingEvery day is a good day. Rest today, tomorrow begins a busy week for many, like Back To School for Bladen youngsters and an eclipse that should be visible in this area tomorrow afternoon. Remember, no peeping without special shades, there are some homemade remedies. Google for info. Enters from the west coast and exits near Charleston, SC.

Re-districting in North Carolina is going to happen and soon, either by leaders of the Legislature or by the court system. Court system may be best. Gerrymandering needs to halt. Democrats were the authors for years, Republicans continue, but the threat of court action is not bad.

Spent a couple of days in NH Regional Hospital past week. Had an aneurysm in my abdomen repaired, been watching for over 10 years. So happy to remove that from my agenda. Made some new friends, wish I had ask for more than first names of staff, but maybe better that I did not. There was John and Rebecca and a couple more on (my) floor that were great. All were good, very good.

Interesting experience, first person I met told me doctor’s orders said shave from (excuse me) from tits to knee caps and I am thinking, I do not see a male, only a nice female that weighed about the same as me but about a foot shorter. Enter 2 females, maybe linebackers for the Green Bay Packers, and they told me to strip and I did. They were very professional and I was embarrassed, but it was just the first such step, many more followed.

It’s over, repeating, I made new friends, I am home and improving very nicely and hopefully never have that procedure again.

My mentor was Dicky Glenn, he was a couple of months ahead of me, same Doc (Tinsley), same hospital (NH), same procedure and saw some of the same folks. His forecast and guidance were ‘on target.’

Now, all I need do is shed about 5 or 6 extra pounds from my already overweight body.

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