Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingCan’t help but wonder how much water can be taken from the Cape Fear River without some impact on our area…..Seems some of the metro areas need another source of water…understandable…but the town/city of Cary is proposing taking millions of gallons from the river, treating, using and then dumping the water into the Neuse River….seems it should be returned to the Cape Fear….Regulators must feel comfortable with the proposal….One committee has suggested approval…Just Wondering….

Good to see Cody Clark back in school…Bladen Lakes Primary School….Cody, his family and friends have been through tough times following the discovery of a malignant tumor on the brain stem of the youngster in December 2013…It’s been tough on all, particularly Cody, but their is reason for hope…He has not fully recovered, but making good progress…Keep them all in your thoughts and prayers…
I began this part of my career as an elderly individual….My level of understanding was low and the ability to learn is not what it once was…but it is fun….Embarrassing moments come often…including taking a special pic….Look impressive, nice camera, turn it own and snap and nothing happens….dead battery ..So what do old folks do?  On a good day…keep a spare battery in one pocket and a small camera in the other…if I remember…. Life is good….One of the little whiles of life…..
BladenOnline is fun….but when you look around and see no other news media, then realize you may be providing coverage for more than your readers….frustrating, but OK….I remember what a elderly gentlemen told me when I was a young man…..Son, you will find out life is not always fair….Agree….just do your best and move on…
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing.  If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.  Groucho Marx
Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.
It is okay to visit your past, just don’t bring any baggage with you.
robert g hester

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