Not new news, but worth repeating! Kiplinger Personal Finance has ranked UNC #1 on a list of best values in public universities and NC State is #10. In a separate list, by Kiplinger, Duke University was ranked third-best value in private universities and Davidson College ranked as the top value in liberal arts colleges.
Down to a very few hours remaining for Christmas shoppers, and for some, just beginning. Worked with a lawyer friend (out of town) for 25 years who began his shopping late Christmas Eve, every year. He was looking for bargains, was willing to deal with other last minute shoppers and declared he paid about half price for all his purchases…and he enjoyed. ‘Bout time for him to head to the mall.
Wrote a little about growing up in the 30s and 40s recently, about Christmas’s long, long ago. Had a visitor come calling late yesterday with 2 small brown paper bags, one for each of us, with some favorites from that time period, still good to day. Mary Jane and Tootsie Rolls, a couple of peppermint candy canes, an apple, an orange or two and not a tangerine, but a cousin to it. Perfect reminder. Thanks to Oliver and Ellen Gause. Just reminiscing!
Not sure if there is more trash beside our roadways, or if I just notice it more. Wish laws related to littering were enforced, but difficult when we have a limited number of officers that are dealing with looting, shootings, drugs, etc. A few high profile arrest for ‘throwing’ trash on our roads may be a lasting reminder to offenders.
Some of my friends celebrate birthdays this time of the year and I often think that it is too easy to purchase for Christmas and birthday at the same time, easy to be short-changed.
We do little shopping for each other, tried it and my bride did not like what I bought for her and same for me, everything was taken back to the place where it was purchased. So, we decided to shop for ourselves, that lasted for a few years. Now, we both shop as needed for ourselves. Saves time, effort and frustration.
Make it a Christmas to remember! Do a good deed for someone who least expects it, maybe someone who really needs it.
May you never been too grown-up to search the skies on Christmas Eve.
When you choose JOY, you feel good & when you feel good, YOU do good & when YOU do good it REMINDS others of what JOY feels like & it just might inspire them to do the same.
robert g hester