Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

The NFL Super Bowl is set for a late Sunday, kick-off, between the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles at U.S. Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Saw one site advertising 52 tickets for sale priced from $3,689.  If interested, Google Stub Hub, SeatGeek or another such outlet has details.  Kick off around 6:30 PM.

I will have a ring side seat, in front of the TV!

One final reminder of the annual Dixie Youth fund-raiser at the Elizabethtown Primary School, tonight.  Understand serving time begins early, guessing now, 5 PM or in that time zone.

Remember when political posters were everywhere as election day approached?  Many are now moving toward the Internet.  I spent years attempting to persuade that local radio was the way to go.

Guess it is too early to begin that conversation, not sure who the candidates will be.  Filing for numerous offices begins in less than 2 weeks.  Call or visit the Bladen County Board of Elections for details.  They are located behind the E-town Post Office.

Had a dose of politics and a good home-cooked meal yesterday, in the Tar Heel area, adding to my limited knowledge of the topic from some notable experts.  Always fun with folks I never see except under or near the barn shelter.  Yesterday was perfect, with the sun shining down, a cool breeze reminding all it is February, and lots of conversation.

Many older folks there…..some times takes all to remember a name or complete a thought, or a sentence.

No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.  Abraham Lincoln

Yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream.  Khalil Gibran

Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.  Albert Schweitzer

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