Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingLocal governments beginning to put budget proposals together for the coming year.  Guess other than re-evaluation, nothing is more challenging.  Every department could use more money to operate, and most politicians ‘run’ on a promise of no increase in taxes.  Been that way for as long as I can remember.

One huge difference in local budgets and those at the federal level, the locals follow the letter of the law.  Deadline for approval of a new county or city budget is June 30th, unless approval is granted by the Local Government Commission, a seldom occurrence.  Federal budget was due last October, still no budget approved.

I am not a blueberry or strawberry grower, but check the weather forecast daily and think of how freezin’ temps adversely affects the industry.  Blueberries are the No. 1 field crop in Bladen County, so I am told.

Still hearing positive comments about the recent Rev. Billy Graham funeral service.

Always a shock when someone dies due to a fire in the home.  The family of Ida Mae Butler grieves, but we can assist financially.  Make a donation on the gofundme.com website.  Check article on our news section for the complete address.

Plans for the 2018 effort to support Bladen We Care should be coming soon.  Bladen We Care averages over $1,000 a week in grants to local residents that ‘slip through’ the local health care system.  It’s not a cure-all but does provide much needed, short-term assistance, for those that have few options in time of need.  The organization also supports local healthcare education scholarships for future providers.

We have committed the Golden Rule to memory, let us now commit it to life.  Edwin Markham

My Golden Rule of Networking is simple: Don’t keep score.  Harvey Mackay

The Golden Rule of Parenting is; do unto your children as you wish your parents had done unto you.  Louise Hart

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