Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWatched Mark Zuckerberg answering questions yesterday from leaders of our nation who may or may not use Facebook or understand much about the Internet.  Of course, some do, but all pressuring Zuckerberg to explain his business and answer their questions, many who not doubt, were attempting to impress voters back home and some accusing him of favoring one party over the other.  It was obvious many, if not all of our distinguished elected officials were reading questions and making statements that their staff had prepared. That’s pretty much business as usual.

Difficult to understand how a young man, in his early to mid 30s, a real U.S. entrepreneur, can have such an impact on the U.S. and around the world, creating so much wealth for himself and stock holders, and create thousands of jobs worldwide.

I realize Facebook can be used for good and bad, and not doubt is.  Nothing in my life, that I can recall, has had such an impact on people, around the world, as Facebook, and only been in business since early 2004.  His net worth is estimated to be about $63 billion, as of late March 2018.  As of late 2015, he and his bride (Priscilla Chan Zuckerberg, a pediatrician and philanthropist), have donated over $6.4 billion to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a political action company that focuses on health and education.

Has he and his organization made mistakes? He says yes, and promises to do a better job at policing Facebook.  Hopefully he will.  Mistakes were made during the previous election, and compounded by us gullible Facebook users.  Few can doubt that he is one smart ‘dude’.  There are a few ‘crooks’ in the billions of users who use the FREE services to further their efforts, whatever they may be…  My guess is there are many, like me, who use it daily to wish friends Happy Birthday and monitor activities of family and friends. That is pretty much the extent of my ability and desire and I have no staff to write questions for Mr. Zucherberg, and I have no political ambitions.

Honesty and integrity are by far the most important assets of an entrepreneur.  Zig Ziglar

From the very first day as an entrepreneur, I’ve felt the only mission worth pursing in business is to make people’s lives better.  Richard Barnson

As an entrepreneur, you never stop learning.  Daymond John

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