Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingSee where a Bladenboro man won $1 million in the lottery.  Trying to determine if there is any kin.  Don’t think so.  Can’t imagine all the issues related to winning, but think I could adjust.

One issue don’t understand, win a $1 million and collect less than $500,000 if the numbers are correct.  Sometimes 2+2 equals 3, must be government math.

All I know is what I read.

Congratulations to Caroline Godwin, Pender County Principal of the Year.  She is a smart young lady on the move, former Bladen County teacher/administrator who was looking for an opportunity and apparently found it and is making the most of it..

Bladen County citizens have concerns about jobs and tax base at risk related to the Chemours issues.  Reasonable folks on both sides of the issue, including regulators, need to sit down together and come up with a solution, good for all. It is a problem, but giving one person the power to shut it down may not be the answer.  Local resident are employed there and tax base is substantial.  And yes, heath issues must be addressed.  Another of those Republican-Democratic issues that is bigger than politics.  It’s a real issue that needs to be addressed by our leaders. Is it possible, to put politics aside for just a short time and deal with the problem, now?  I believe we have leaders, in place  who can do it.  If they could just solve the problem and not worry about who gets the blame or the praise.

The Chemours issue and the recent court case involving the pork industry could just about wipe out Bladen County.  We want pork, don’t want the scent.  Issues on both sides that need to be addressed. Again, looking for leadership, government, ag community and general public. Another example of to much at stake to do nothing.

That’s my two cents, for what it worth.

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.  John C. Maxwell

Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.  Harold S. Geneen

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.  Alexander the Great.

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