Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingIn a reminiscing mood this day.

Woke up thinking about yesteryear.  Remember when Bladenboro and Elizabethtown had baseball teams in the old Border Belt League.  Teams consisted of mostly locals and a few college players, some from the ACC, East Carolina, Pembroke College and Wilmington College.  In addition to the 2 local teams, Whiteville always had a good team, there was a team from Rockingham and one or two from South Carolina, if my memory is correct.

Good baseball, good entertainment.

Later, the E-town Jaycees, sponsored an adult male and female softball league.  Teams played on a field near where Merritt Logging is currently located.  Would draw a crowd of participants and onlookers.

Elizabethtown Jaycees were big in local non-profit efforts.  They built a new headquarters, today occupied by Head Start, I think/guess.  Jaycees was a good organization for young folks (up to age 35) and a busy group.  Bladenboro also had a Jaycees club.  Strong statewide for years, seldom hear much about them anymore, except someone who was a former member.

Their were/are others, Lions Club, Optimist, Kiwanis, Rotary, and Ruritan, all were very active.  Some still are, but many have folded.  Read a 1992 New York Times article recently about how clubs were strugglin’ to stay alive.  Folks to busy in other public service endeavors.

Back to the real world today, a reminder of the 2nd Summer Sounds Concerts from 6 to 9 PM this evening at Elizabethtown Farmer’s Market featuring North Tower.  Come dressed casual, may need to bring something to ‘sit on’ but don’t think you’ll need a jacket.  The concert/dance is free, courtesy of the E-town-White Lake Chamber of Commerce and numerous local merchants and organizations.

We cannot just rely on the public sector or the private sector.  We all need to work together.  Dan Schulman

When the private sector does well, there’s revenue for the public sector.  Jim Talent

Change your thoughts and you change the world.  Norman Vincent Peale

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