Thoughts While Shaving
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The vacation is over for students and teachers of Bladen County schools.  School resumes this AM, 2 hours late, for all.  Hopefully, all the roads are passable.

A reminder of the many high school sporting events today, football, volleyball, ladies tennis, men’s soccer and cross country.  John Clark has it all listed on the BladenOnline Sports page.  Football, South Robeson at West Bladen at 7 PM.

Volunteers continue to collect various items for Kelly area folks, those hit hardest during the recent hurricane.  The collection site is the old Paul H. Sessoms Wholesale building on Cypress Street, one block east of the Bladen County Courthouse.  Among the most needed items are cleaning supplies and volunteers to help Kelly residents as they attempt to return to a normal routine.  Will not happen overnight, if not today, maybe tomorrow or next week.

If you have not heard Torri Chesnutt’s testimony, you must.  Great young lady with a great testimony.

BladenOnline staff has been very busy over the past days, weeks, months in fact all year long, and our latest numbers indicate local residents appreciate their efforts.

For September, 2018, BladenOnline had the 4th most page views for a month and the most visits for a month in its history.

Page views are up 17 percent for the first nine months of 2018 compared to 2017, visits are up 18% and users are up 20%.

Visits are the number of times the site was accessed by a “person”

Users are the number of different “people” who accessed the site within the time period.

For example, if you visited the site one time a day each day in July that would be 31 visits, but it would be only one user.

Page views
September 2018: 673,831

September 2017: 492,248

Change: 37 percent increase


September 2018: 146,371

September 2017:  86,938

Change: 68 percent increase


September 2018: 60,564

September 2017: 33,858

Change: 79 percent increase

Top Monthly Page Views

745,582: October 2017

685,897: July 2018

684,897: April 2018

675,307: October 2016

673,831: September 2018

Top Monthly Visits

148,371: September 2018

142,381: October 2016

141,580: August 2016

141,527: July 2018

136,833: April 2018


14,202: Updated listing of road closures in Bladen County (Sept 16)

13,400: Bladen County declares state of emergency; residents should finish preparations

8,549: House fire leaves one dead

6,985: Bladen County road closures update (Sept. 22)

6,915: Updated road closings in Bladen County as of Monday morning (Sept 17)

It doesn’t just happen!  It takes a dedicated staff, working diligently to keep Bladen area residents updated about what is going on all around.  If you are a merchant, doing business with BladenOnline your ad has been read thousands of times over the past month.  If you would like to add your business to our line-up call BladenOnline Sales 910-876-5393.  And, to our reader, supporters, thank you, thank you, thank you.

No excuses, just a determined local staff working hard to serve Bladen County residents, everyday.

To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.  Douglas Adams

Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.  Og Mandino

You need an attitude of service.  You’re not just serving yourself.  You help others to grow up and you grow with them.  David Green

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