Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

The 2018 General Election is over, hallelujah!.  Check our news page for results of local political races.  And, for a complete rundown of all races, local, state and federal, Google NC State Board of Elections.

Best I can tell, nationwide, Democrats take over leadership in the US House of Representatives and Republicans strengthen their position in the Senate, with some races still ‘to be determined.’

US House Speaker Paul Ryan issued a statement, “Tonight history has repeated itself.  A party in power always faces tough odds in its first midterm election……….We don’t need an election to know that we are a divided nation, and now we have a divided Washington.  As a country and a government we must find a way to come together to find common ground and build on the successes of this Congress.”……..

Ryan will be departing the scene at the end of the current session of Congress.  He did not seek re-election.

Locally, Bladen Community College will have a new President.  Dr. William Findt is retiring and the list of hopefuls has been narrowed to 4, none local.

Star TMC Annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, registration begins at 9 AM, program at 10 at Bladen Community College.  All coop members are encouraged to attend.

Locally, hurricane victims still need help….

The best revenge is massive success.  Frank Sinatra

I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.  Abraham Lincoln

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.  Robert F. Kennedy

robert g hester



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