Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingNFL score from last night….Seahawks 27-Packers 24…..

High School football tonight…East Bladen will host Wilson Beddingfield in the NCHSAA Class 2A Football Play-offs at 7:30 PM.

I still miss broadcasting high school football and I know my cohorts do as well, but my time was over and no FM radio available in the area.  Still have folks asking why?

Remember years ago when this time of the year farming chores included cuttin’ ditch banks with a bush ax?  Shopping for a Christmas tree was different, just go in the woods and locate a nice small tree, cut it down and drag it to the house and make the decorations…farmers settlin’ up with creditors who had ‘charged’ all purchases since early spring…..

Remember pads of checks for local banks available at just about all retail outlets?  Big box stores were locally owned businesses that sold farm supplies or building supplies?  Banks were locally owned…..In our area, work in the cotton mill was an option….

School lunches were 10 to 25 cents each, but dimes and quarters were scarce and many carried their lunch to school in a brown bag….

Seldom hear of someone using a ‘sling blade’ today…..Wood or oil stoves were the norm for many….For most, no electricity, no telephones and no one could have ever dreamed of the internet.  Coal was a necessity for many in the winter, to heat with….

But, life was good…in the rural areas especially, you did not know you were doing without. Without what?

Play hop-scotch, go fishing or hunting, make a rag doll, make your Christmas cards.  You learned to do what you had to do to survive…..as did your neighbors.  And, at our house, skipping church on Sunday was not an option, and if you played sick, you received castor oil to help you feel better…tough treatment….tough love….

Pardon me…just thinking of the way of life in the 40s, and 50s….in rural Bladen County…..

A reminder of the Pork & Beats festival tomorrow at Cape Fear Farmers Market…fun all day long, including food and music….beginning at 10 AM.  Blackwater Rhythm and Blues Band tops the list of entertainers….

The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.  Lucille Ball

I’m at an age when my back goes out more than I do.  Phyllis Diller

I still chase women, but only downhill.   Bob Hope

robert g hester



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