Thoughts While Shaving
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Was it LBJ who compared a pile of sun-baked cow manure to some politically related activity years ago? Maybe it was another politician but it was an issue that would not go away…. The comment was, “the more you stir it, the more it stinks”.  Kinda relates to the current stinky political situation in Bladen County and the NC 9th US House District race.

Headlines this morning….Republicans would like to cease the investigation and have new election; another indicated over 100 applications were tied to the Bladen County Improvement Association, still another is about a Bladen County Commissioner (Cogdell) being paid for a get-out-the-vote effort and of course the original issues involving McRae Dowless continues to be discussed, could be more…

Both political parties are looking for a way to halt the bad news from their perspective, or label the other party as the ‘bad guys’.

From the peanut gallery….Get to the bottom of the issue NOW…No more sweeping it under the rug.  It has occurs and continues to occur on the clock of both political parties.  And, while contemplating what and how, cease the gerrymandering of districts and restore some sanity to the process.  It’s a game.  Why in the world should rural Bladen County in eastern North Carolina be in a district with Mecklenburg County.  The only reason is to please the politicians in power at the time of redistricting to keep a majority of districts favoring their party.

Lest we forget, and I have mentioned this earlier, when the Dems were in power, portions of rural eastern NC, including Bladen County were in a district that ran from Warren County on the Virginia line into Columbus County, near Myrtle Beach, S.C.  Made no sense then and got worse when the Reps came into power about 10 years ago.

Nothing turns me off faster than diehards on each side of the political spectrum blaming someone else.  It’s the fault of us all for electing politicians who care little about what is right and what is wrong.  It’s all about the party.  Many hide behind the conservative or liberal label.  Many are in the middle. Some, hopefully ready, willing and able to do what’s right for the majority.  Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Would be nice to have someone with some political ‘clout’ step up to statesman status and begin the fix from top down and for those who continue to play ‘loose and fast’ using todays rules….send them to a place where they will receive 3 meals a day at the public expense for some extended time to meditate, contemplate and stop the ‘crap’ that continues to plague our election process.  I cast my ‘unaffiliated’ vote for change.

Thank you, thank you and please make room as I step down from the ‘stump’.

Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.  Zig Zigler

Honesty and integrity are by far the most important assets of an entrepreneur.  Zig Zigler

You can observe a lot by just watching.  Yogi Berra

robert g hester



Author: bladenonline

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