Thoughts While Shaving
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You’ve heard this before.  This is a busy weekend in Bladen….Many across the county, doing good deeds.


7 – 10 AM…White Oak Volunteer Fire Department sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast.  The location is 10838, NC 53, White Oak.

10 AM…Carvers Creek May Day Festival.

4 – 7 PM…Bladenboro Fund Raisers will be serving BBQ plates at the Historical Building today.  Proceeds will benefit Noah Deaver, battling a serious illness…Donations also accepted.  Bet there will be cakes and other goodies for sale.

Thanks to all who visited Star TMC’s Customer Appreciation celebration yesterday.  Gooood food and prizes…..at the Elizabethtown and Clinton locations.

Just a week away from Mother’s Day.   Make plans.

Had nice comments about yesterday’s thoughts.  For those in positions of leadership (Commissioners & Board of Education), it’s a tough time.  I hear cut this and cut that, but folks, having been there, you can only cut so much.  This is a huge county, landwise, and every child, regardless of where they live is entitled to the best education possible, and it takes buses, teachers, parents and public support.  Been there and done that.  As a board member, you see and hear about the needs, real needs.  You allocate all you can and wish for more, so teachers do not have to invest their own money in supplies that are not included at the state or local level, but needed to assist in helping each student to be the best they can be.  Is there waste?, no doubt….but probably less than we think..  It’s a tough task, for all.  If you think you can do a better job, come first of the year, a new campaign for various local office begins.  Add your name to the list, if you so desire….share your thoughts, and if successful, you may be working on a budget next year.

Enjoy the weekend….

Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.

The trouble with life is there is no background music.

Ham and eggs…A day’s work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.

robert g hester



Yesterday’s article:


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