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Thoughts While Shaving  Weekend is here, hopefully a good day to be outside.

Been thinking about Bladen County Commissioners. Should be 9 respected, respectful representatives of the 35,000 residents of the county who meet bi-monthly and take care of the affairs of county government.

They are elected by the voters for a 4 year term, work with the Administrative staff, who oversees the work of several hundred employees to provide services to the residents of the county. They have had to make some tough decisions recently, new jail, additional staff and equipment at EMS, raised taxes 10% over the previous year. Not easy, and much concern expressed by residents county-wide. And, there are more tough decisions ahead, related to schools…depending on what the Board of Ed decides to do about the merger of schools in the county.

Now, the animosity among some board members is so great, they can’t even decide the seating arrangement that has followed informal rules for the past humpteen years. Sad…

But what is even more sad is with 6 of 9 seats up for election, and two departing, there are barely enough candidates to fill the slots up for election after over a week of the filing period behind us. Fortunately, there is still a week left to file….but who will step up? Bladen County government needs a few good candidates to make themselves available for public service. Maybe citizens should ask the questions, if not me who? and if not now when?

The 6 seats up for election do not belong to incumbents. The terms, the contract of 6 current members of the board of commissioners will expire in December of 2016.

The pay is not all that bad for meeting a couple of times a month for an hour or two. The chairman is paid $9,026 annually, plus $4,800 for travel. Board members are paid $8,089 plus $3,600 for travel. It is not about dollars, it is about making yourself available for public service, a noble calling. The compensation information is from the UNC School of Government publication, County Salaries in North Carolina.

How would you like to work for a group of elected officials who, from time to time, apparently have little respect for themselves or others?

I really think they are, for the most part, decent folks, some who may have held the positions to long. I am beginning to believe term limits may not be a bad idea. Don’t think that will ever happen. Would not be needed if civic minded citizens would make themselves available.

Now, let me step down from my ‘stump’ and move on.

Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power. Clint Eastwood

The great thing in the world is not so much to seek happiness as to earn peace and self respect. Thomas Huxley

You punch me, I punch back. I do not believe it’s good for one’s self-respect to be a punching bag. Ed Koch

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