Thoughts While Shaving
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For most of my lifetime, April 15 has been the deadline for filing taxes with ‘Uncle Sam’ and state governments … unless you had permission to delay. This year, no need to worry, has been extended to July 15, 2020.

I keep checking to see if the federal government has made a decision if I am eligible for $s from recently passed legislation or not … No evidence as of this time…

So thankful that I am not the owner of a business today…

A reminder, new rules apply today in many businesses, effective as of 5 p.m. yesterday (Monday) … one way aisles and limited number of customers at any one time in some businesses.

Will be happy when ‘business as usual’ returns, but to return, then have a new round of ‘virus’ would be devastating … for all … Lord give our leaders the wisdom to know when the next move should be made…

I think about those who have lost loved ones, no formal good-bye for family and friends … private funerals with the promise of a memorial service later…

And, if I need a haircut, I do it myself, trust my bride, or do nothing … one more option, shave my head … mmmm, that would be cute…

And, no one to blame … ‘crap’ happens…

‘Cabin fever’ is a serious disease.

One thing I have noticed … most folks are following the rules as they are directed…

Reminder of 7 keys to life:
#1 God first
#2 Love one another
#3 Never hate
#4 Give generously
#5 Live simply
#6 Forgive quickly
#7 Be kind always

robert g hester

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