Thoughts While Shaving
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I like to think I am an optimists … pray for a return to how it was a month or so ago, before news of Covid-19 became the top story of every news source, worldwide…

But, just when I begin to think all is better, I check stats … worldwide:
Infected … 2.1 million according to John Hopkins University…
Killed … at least 145,000
Over 33,000 new cases yesterday (Thursday) in the United States alone.

I support the efforts of our leaders to begin to return to ‘how it was before the virus position’ … but sure am happy it is someone else who makes the decisions…

Economies are ‘tanking’ worldwide … we see how it ‘is playing out’ at the local level…

We all want better … maybe reopen on a small scale … see how that goes … if virus is worse than expected … re-close … If opening is the right move, continue … slowly.

We all need to support our decision makers … right or wrong … we can look back and judge later … and for goodness sake, leave politics out of the equation … It’s not a Republican or Democrat issue, it’s a world-wide issue, not of our making … How we reacted to it will no doubt be discussed at a later date … Let’s deal with the problem … now.

How about the small business owner, trying to continue in this environment … keep the staff intact and pay the bills and income is a small percentage of what it was 6 weeks ago … and now, just can’t continue … hopeful of support at the national level … and now discover the money has ‘run out’ … What next? Truthfully, No Idea…

If you think money grows on trees, just try paying for something with a bunch of leaves…

Some people must think you can watch your step easier with your foot in your mouth…

The best way to keep people from jumping down your throat is to keep your mouth shut…

robert g hester

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