Thoughts While Shaving
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I saw this yesterday on Facebook … and it has been on my mine since…

I don’t know who wrote this but SOMEONE FINALLY put into words what many of us have been thinking and I couldn’t agree more!

I am sick and tired of COVID-19.

I am sick and tired of blacks vs whites.

I am sick and tired of Democrats vs Republicans.

I am REALLY sick of the media.

I am sick of no one being allowed to think what they want & feel how they do without offending someone.

I am sick of the people who are out there jumping on the bandwagon just to spread hatred. And start riots, looting & destroying other people’s properties.

I am sick of blaming the world for the sins of a few.

We’re one race – the human race.

You want to support Trump? You do it! It’s your choice!

You want to support Biden? You do it! It’s your choice!

You want to believe in God? You do it! It’s your choice!

You want to believe in magical creatures that fly around & sprinkle fairy dust to make life better? Awesome … you do it!

BUT how about being MATURE enough to be able to deal with the fact that everyone doesn’t have the same exact mind-set as you. Having our own mind-set is what makes us all individuals and beautiful. If you can’t handle that fact … Oh Well.

I don’t have to agree with everything you believe in & YOU don’t have to agree with me.

It’s you choice!, It’s our own choice!

So be a human being.

You don’t have to like it or agree. It’s your choice! Keep scrolling … It’s that easy!!!!

Copy and paste if you like it. I did!

I would also like to add treat others as you would like to be treated. Be kind. If you cannot be kind be nice. If you cannot be nice at least be civil. If you can’t be civil you need to stay at your house and in quarantine!!!!

I quoted someone else’s thoughts … but I agree 100%.

robert g hester

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