Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingFour new members of the Bladen County Board of Commissioners were administered their oath of office last night and two incumbents took their oath again.  Charles Ray Peterson (D) was elected Chairman and Ray Britt (R) is Vice-Chair.

New members to the board, in addition to Britt, include Ashley S. Trivette (R), David Gooden (R) and Dr. Ophelia Munn Goins (D).  Daniel Dowless returns as a Republican, switching from Democrat and G. Michael Cogdell (D) begins another 4 year term.  Gooden returns after serving one term as a Democrat several years ago.

So, for the first time ever the board consists of 5 Democrats and 4 Republicans.  Peterson, Russell Priest (D) and Arthur Bullock (D) are in the middle of a 4 year term.

New members of the Board of Education were recently administered their oath of office.  Check our news page for details over the next few days.

Keep seeing news related to the Presidential election.  Some obviously incorrect.  One stated Clinton carried only 57 counties, nationwide, wrong.  She carried 487 counties, way behind the 2626 carried by President-elect Trump.  Clinton received the most votes in 23 North Carolina counties.

Trump received 304 electoral votes in yesterday’s Electoral College vote, compared to 227 for Clinton.  Seven electors voted for other candidates, costing Trump 2 votes and Clinton 4.

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes nationwide (48.1%) according to Associated Press (AP) compared to 62,979,636 or 46% for Trump.  Trump won fair and square receiving the most electoral votes. That is our system and has been for years.

Electoral votes are based on Congressional Districts with the statewide winner taking all. 

Two good sources related to the most recent nationwide election are Wikipedia and FactCheck.

Will be checking some of the questionable news sources, in days to come.

Visited Fair Bluff recently.  SAD!  The Post Office was the only business in the downtown area, open for business.

Property taxes paid after January 5, 2017 will have late fees added.  They were due September 1, 2016.

Maybe a good New Years Resolution would be to pay taxes earlier.

Ambition in America is still rewarded…..with higher taxes.

The attitude of US Congress and the NC Legislature toward hidden taxes is not to do away with them, but to hide them better.

The reward for saving money is being able to pay our taxes without borrowing.

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