Just hours before Old St. Nick makes his appearance for all good little boys and girls … and big girls and boys.
Checking late NFL score from last night’s action … Kansas City Chiefs 26 – Chicago Bears 3. Tonight, Vikings vs Packers. The Hester males pick winners for the entire season, have done so for many years. This year, after over 200 games, all 4 participants are within a couple of games. … Regular season champ has one more week to go … for braggin’ rights … then the playoffs.
Funeral services for Elizabethtown City Councilman Richard (Dickie) Glenn are scheduled for 3 p.m. today at Wesley’s Chapel UMC, Peanut Plant Road, Elizabethtown.
All good little boys and girls are getting excited about Santa’s arrival a few hours from now, and on New Year’s Day. everyone is invited to enjoy a traditional New Years Day meal complete with black-eyed peas, noontime at the Bladenboro Community Building … more later.
So, what are your plans for Christmas?
A reminder, Bladen County property taxes are due first few days of new year … no, actually they were due in September, penalty will be added in early January, 2020 … state law.
As the political season ‘heats up’, careful about articles, making all types of claims for parties and individuals. … So much bad info … both parties. … Good idea may be to Google the site before forwarding.
How about a random act of kindness at this time of the year?
Bake cookies for the elderly….
Serve at a homeless shelter…
Give a stranger a compliment…
Make dinner for a family in need…
robert g hester