Thoughts While Shaving
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28 degrees at 4:45 a.m. today. I have been looking forward to colder weather. How long before spring-time? Forecast is for sunny today, with a high near 58. Increasing clouds tonight with a low around 39. 80% chance of rain Friday night, dropping to 60% Friday night and Saturday…

Just doesn’t take much cold weather for me…

Recently saw the latest Nicholas Sparks book … purchased and read it in a couple of days … May be one of his best … ‘The Return’ … I highly recommend…

Good news about the possibilities of medication for COVID-19 … Too late for some, have a dear friend very sick with the disease … Say what you please, coronavirus is a killer … I hear some say, the death was not just COVID 19-related … he/she had other diseases … If I can live with other diseases, treat, acknowledge and continue living … good … then something causes it to worsen … dead is dead, whatever the cause. My goal is to live to be an old, old, old person.

Have friends ask, would you take the medication? If various agencies that test drugs say it is OK, my doc suggest I take it, my plans are to take it … I’m not a tough “dude”, I love living … nothing better…

Saw story on BladenOnline recently about a couple of local families losing all in fires at their home … So sad … even more so in the middle of the holidays … We all need to be a good neighbor … help them return to as near normal as possible…

Have a dear friend who celebrated a birthday, yesterday … Happy Birthday, Eckwood … a good friend … a good man … How old? Thanks for asking … ???? and going strong.

How to write a Birthday Message to an older person … I admire YOU.

If things improve with age, then you & I are approaching MAGNIFICENT!

Older folks shouldn’t eat health foods. We need all the preservatives we can get.

robert g hester

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