Thoughts While Shaving
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There must be a better way to redraw congressional districts than has been the law in North Carolina, and other states, for as long as I can remember … When Democrats were in control, it was bad … today Republicans are in control and nothing has changed … Wonder, just wonder if one party, the party in control, would agree to appoint a bi-partisan committee to redraw the districts … and give up the political advantage … Not likely…

When the Democrats were in charge, Bladen was in a district that ran from the Virginia line, or near the Virginia line … Warren County to just short of the South Carolina line, deep into Columbus County. Rep. Eva Clayton of Warren County was our representative in Washington … Republicans promised better … Their redistricting included Bladen County line nearest Wilmington to Mecklenburg (Charlotte) … later changed to US 701 from near Garland to Columbus County line … and west to Mecklenburg … Just a crazy thought … Don’t expect it to happen … A shot from the cheap seats … I may be a little off lines, but don’t think so…

Sad to know a plane with 8, including students from an eastern North Carolina high school, crashed in the Atlantic, most likely, all killed … Happened over the past weekend…

I think I have been attending too many funerals…

“Everything that’s broken was beautiful at one time. And our mistakes make us better people.” Jamie Hoang

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” Jimmy Dean

“It’s never too late to be wise.” Daniel Defoe

robert g hester

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