Thoughts While Shaving
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Anyone else a little concerned about the direction of our nation? Not sure of either political party … The last time I felt like ‘one nation under God’ was after the time when the planes flew into the twin towers in New York … There was chaos … finally, from my perspective, the citizens of American came together … to rebuild and defend the USA … Others no doubt have thoughts of their own … One nation under God … It’s been a while and I am concerned … Too much ME and not enough WE…

If the selection was left up to me … and it is not and will never be, I would like to see a 55 to 65 year old who loves country over political party who has experience, patience, good judgement and possesses other leadership skills … Someone folks would line up behind and follow the leader. In recent years, feel our leaders get out front but keep looking back to make sure the ‘regular folks’ are still in line behind them and not veering off course … and ready to repeat, “Me Too.”

One more thought … My copy of the ‘Good Book’ says, “Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself”, not hate thy neighbor because he or she does not believe or think as I do … It’s a big world, room for all if we have “love for and respect one another.”

Don’t usually get into politics … Just thinking out loud … These are my views, no prompting from anyone and too old to change.

See where 5G is the new game in town and as of today, could begin to cause an adjustment with our cell phones … I’m too old to be re-trained, but feel it coming on…

Today’s weather forecast … Partly sunny, with a high near 76 and windy. Partly cloudy tonight, low near 60. Wednesday, a 20% chance of rain, partly sunny with a high near 82 and wind gusts as high as 20 mph.

“Work and family are at the center of our lives; the foundation of our dignity as a free people.” Ronald Reagan

“We stand today on the edge of a New Frontier — the frontier of the 1960s — a frontier of unknown opportunities and perils, a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and threats.” John F. Kennedy

“One American put it this way; ‘Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.'” Dwight D. Eisenhower

robert g hester

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