Thoughts While Shaving
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My daugher-in-law recently asked me if I had read the Barry Bridger book … Immediately, I began to think of him being shot down over North Vietnam, captured and spent years in prison. She was ordering copies of “The Spirit to Soar”, the life and legacy of Barry … I received the book Saturday (yesterday) and spent much of the day reading. Great book … He tells the story of how he arrived in Bladenboro on a visit by friends of the Bridger family, how he was adopted by one of the Bridger familes … He talked a great deal about his young years in Bladenboro and his love for his adopted family … “It’s a true story of Former Orphan & POW. Lt. Col. Barry Bridger, US Air Force (Ret).” He is now a husband, a father and successful businessman.

Actually, it brought back memories of another Bladenboro pilot who was shot down and killed in Vietnam in the mid 60s … Lt. Frank Elkins … Bridger and Elkins were about the same age … What are the chances of 2 pilots shot down in a war on the other side of the world from the same small town in Bladen County, N.C. … Elkins’ bride wrote the book. “The Heart of a Man’…

I highly recommend the new book … (Bridger) and the older book (Elkins) … I had the pleasure of knowing both, not well and Elkins more so than Bridger. Both good students, both good athletes, and good folks … The Bridger book was recently released (2022).

My time of reading helped me think about something other than the wild man in Moscow…

Today is Church Day … Hope to see you there today … Pray for those being displaced in Ukraine…

Things Southerners Can’t Stand:

“Going someplace — like Boston — where servers look at you like you’re crazy when you ask for sweet iced tea.”

“People from outside the South who tell me, ‘Say that again — I just love to hear the way you guys talk.'”


robert g hester

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