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Thoughts While ShavingAttended visitation for a classmate recently, was told she had been in a nursing home for a few years and while there saw another classmate who told me that her husband (also a former classmate) had suffered a stroke a few months ago. 

I see others strugglin’ with health problems and I am reminded again, how blessed I am.

Ever wake from sleep, for whatever the reason, and re-live memories from yesteryear?

Thought about a farmer that, as a youngster, I helped ‘put-in-tobacco’, I cropped.  Around mid-morning he would provide the ‘help’ with a big ‘soda cracker’, not the small saltine we know today, but one that had 4 square crackers, all attached.  Not sure they are even available today.  Had the big saltine with peanut butter and a Pepsi.  Heck, I would have worked for the perks.  Come to think about it, that was about all I worked for.  Was paid 30 cents an hour for cropping tobacco.  Good ole days????

Remember the small family operated grocery stores and country stores at just about every crossroads in the county?  All had the big soft drink boxes ’bout the size of a casket’. The soft drinks were ‘iced down’, and a rack of  moon pies nearby.  Soft drinks were a nickel as were the moon pies.  Problem was, nickels were scarce.  Could get 6 hot drinks for a quarter, your choice.

Remember the 4-H site at White Lake?  Wish it was still available.  It provided a place for many youngsters to enjoy the lake.

Trying to get my mind off last night’s Super Bowl game. Congratulations to the Broncos.

Remember these old expressions?

A Bone to Pick (someone who wants to discuss a disagreement)

Bad Egg (Someone who was not a good person)

At sea (lost or not understanding something)

Bee in your bonnet (To have an idea that won’t let loose)

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