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Weather forecast for today … Sunny, with a high near 55. … Mostly clear, with a low around 38 tonight and warmer on Monday. … Mostly sunny with a high near 71 … south wind increasing to 5 to 10 mph with gusts as high as 16 mph…

Chance of rain increases Monday night, Tuesday and Tuesday night…

Over the next couple of months … lots of activities. … At the top of the list … Elections … for office holders from the local and state level, to D.C…

Bladen We Care fundraisers upcoming. … Annual Gala and golf tournament … and the While Lake Water Festival. … Other events county-wide…

Farmers making plans to begin another year … checking to make sure all the equipment is ready for planting…

Remember when we began to ‘break ground’ with a two-horse turn plow … no tractors … just looked at the north end of a south bound horse or mule or both. … If the soil was dry, all you could see was a huge, what looked like a dust storm. … In the middle was a young person, 2 animals and a plow … all on foot…

Those were the days I promised myself I would pursue a different occupation…

I do enjoy seeing corn and other plants break through the soil … a new beginning…

Today, farming is all about equipment unheard of a few years ago…

Alert to all … Valentine’s Day is later this week … cards and candy and cash, and whatever else you use to show your love and appreciation…

I have learned … That it is best to give advice in only two circumstances; when it is requested and when it is a life threatening situation.

I’ve learned … That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

And one more … If you can buy a person’s friendship, it is not worth it.

robert g hester

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