Thoughts While Shaving
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If you were to write yourself a note and put it away about the 2020 coronavirus, what would you say? I realize the answer to the situation is still incomplete … Think I would begin with … It was a disruptive killer … and no one was exempt … Those who followed the rules laid out by medical professionals had the best chance of survival…

Latest stats…

Bladen County has had 549 confirmed cases of the virus and 6 deaths.

North Carolina has had 118,000 confirmed cases and 1,889 deaths.

USA … 4.51 million confirmed cases and over 153,000 deaths.

Worldwide, 17M confirmed cases, and 667,000 deaths.

CDC’s best advice … stay 6 feet away from others, wash your hands and wear a mask when around people who don’t live in your household.

If the election was held today … Who would you vote for, for President, for Governor and on down the list? Hang on, it is still over 3 months away … and both parties have millions and millions of dollars to spend…

Remember the old gospel song … ‘I just steal-a-way somewhere and pray’…

Can’t end without a brief look at the weather forecast … Another day of 90 degree temps and a 40% chance of rain, Friday’s high near 94 with a 40% chance of precipitation … Same type forecast for the next few days…

“The longer the lake of knowledge, the longer the shore of wonder.”

“Friendship should not be sought, but is usually found both by chance and good luck!”

“Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.”

robert g hester

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