Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingRainfall in the area, over the past couple of days has ranged from a trace to 4 or 5 inches and more.  We needed the rain, some needed more, some less.

Many years ago, I had the pleasure of serving 8 years on the Bladen County Board of Commissioners, great experience.  Think of some of the action taken then, despite opposition and how it appears to be ‘taken for granted’ today.

Example, sometime in the late 70’s or early 80’s, one of the issues facing the county was whether to build a new hospital or sell to an out of state group.

During the time of discussion, Bladen County Commissioners were approached by local businessman, Stuart Gooden (also a member of the hospital board at the time) about purchasing acreage around the hospital, memory has faded, but it was substantial acreage.  Price was in the $1,000 to $1,500 range, as I recall.  After much debate, it was decided to purchase the property from just behind the hospital to what is now Smith Circle Drive.

We received much criticism.  Today, the area includes the Health Department, DSS, Senior Citizens Center, low cost housing, Ag Center, medical and long term healthcare facilities and soon to be new Detention Center that will include a new Sheriff’s Office.  Thought it was a good investment then and nothing has changed my mind.  For the record, much of the development occurred after the departure of the board at that time. 

Another person that should be mentioned.  R. Kendrick Hester played a huge role in the building of the Ag Center.  The Board of Commissioners committed to Hester, they would approve the center if federal agencies would commit to paying a fee for their space when a new center was built.  He was leader of the ASCS office at the time.  He secured the commitments, and so far as I know, they continue today.

Sometimes it is refreshing to recall actions from days gone.  I also recall action that did not go so well…

We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress.  Will Rogers

I’m at an age when my back goes out more than I do.  Phyllis Diller

At my age, flowers scare me.  George Burns

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