Thoughts While Shaving
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Congratulations to all who organized and participated in the parade/march through downtown Elizabethtown last evening. … Reasonable people can talk peacefully about differences and their hopes and wishes for a better town/county for all…

Bladen County Commissioners meeting scheduled for last night was ppd ’til Wednesday evening … 5 p.m. in the Superior Courtroom at the courthouse …. Note change in time and location of meeting…

Another change in scheduling … Bladen County Board of Equalization and Review meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, June 8 in the Superior Courtroom on the 2nd floor of the courthouse. … That meeting begins at 5:15 p.m.

Remember when the facility, currently the office of the County Manager and Tax Office, was headquarters for the Board of Education, and later the Sheriff department?

I want to live to be at least 100 years of age … and hope Microsoft does not produce another ‘must use’ computer program … ex. Windows 10. … It has been a pain in the backside for this old ‘codger’. Too old for new technology. … Kinda selfish on my part, I suppose. Maybe our ancestors felt the same way about the T-model automobile and I would not be able to ride around listening to whatever entertainment service I subscribe to … or the radio … in cool comfort … with very little effort on my part. … Still not a fan of Windows 10 … as if anyone cares…

Would be nice for a date certain when the virus situation would just go away … not gonna happen. … Can’t imagine the issues various groups are dealing with … ex. schools…

Sad to see so many ‘needed services’ forced to cut back because of the pandemic…

Weather for today should be just what you would order if you were in charge … Sunny, high in low 80s with southwest winds 5 to 11 mph…

Don’t get confused between my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

A good friend is a connection to life – A tie to the past, a road to the future, a key to sanity in a Totally Insane World.

Some people are like Oreos, the good stuff is on the inside.

robert g hester

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