Thoughts While Shaving
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Woke up early this AM, as usual, but with the state of the union on my mind … scarry. … I’m OK … old ‘poot’ that requires little to survive on, but as a former small business owner, I am concerned about other small business owner-operators, especially those in the restaurant business … and their employees, and a huge concern for those who have been fortunate enough to ‘save a little’, but forced to make serious adjustments. The road traveled is tough enough, but the concern I have is the road ahead…

Not faulting anyone, we are facing difficult times. … Our leaders are facing difficult tasks.

Think back to numerous surveys … one question on just about every one is … “Do you think the state/nation is headed in the right direction?”

Pray for all…

Richard Engal (NBC Reporter) Tweet … “This is a virus from the Territory of China but comes from bats. This is a bat virus, not a China virus. It doesn’t speak Chinese. It doesn’t target Chinese people. It targets human beings who happen to touch their eyes, nose or mouth.” (Haven’t heard that before, not sure of anything … just sharing)

2 members of Congress have reportedly tested positive for Coronavirus … several others have self-imposed quarantines.

Latest numbers related to the virus: as of 12:53 AM, March 19.

North Carolina info: 71 confirmed cases – Fatal 0 – Recovered 0

US info: 9,458 confirmed cases – Fatal 155 – Recovered 108

Worldwide info: 218,584 confirmed – Fatal 8,938 – Recovered 85,711.

Stock Market has tanked … but hold on, better days are ahead … promise. … The darkest days are just before dawn!

When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?’

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day-in and day-out.”

“In today’s rush we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget about the joy of just Being.”

robert g hester

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