Thoughts While Shaving
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I am a respecter of the ‘C’ word … Visited with 2 families this week, both who lost a family member due to the dreaded ‘C’ words … Cancer and COVID-19 … Both are killers … Both cause pain for family members and friends … I understand some have no plans to take ‘the shot’ … To each his or her own … I will do all in my power to live as long as I can and if a shot makes the difference, count me in, I am prepared … My friends are dead … one due to cancer, one due to COVID-19. For the record, I have had my shots…

Our economy is suffering, not in a freefall, but as some of my friends would say … ‘unsteady’ … and that is understandable … Here’s hoping the ‘ship’ is ‘righted’ soon. Some control over COVID-19 is a huge step forward … Thankful that President Trump pushed to get a vaccine approved, and thankful that President Biden is doing all he can to promote and provide it to all…

Anyone else dream? Just as sure as I go to bed, I will be dreaming … Worked hard last night, til about 4:00 a.m. I met my quota/goal, whatever it was … on everything except sleep.

With all that is going on around us … Life is still good, and I am so thankful I live in the county, state and nation that I have lived in my entire life…

Stumbled across few ‘Guiding Principles’ by J.D. Meier…

“Life’s not a spectator’s sport…”

“Absorb what’s useful, reject the rest.”

“Success is a journey, not a destination.”

“Live more, laugh more, learn more, love more.”

robert g hester

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