Thoughts While Shaving
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We keep chuggin’ along, hopefully, headed to better times, and making some progress, as a nation … I hope.

Feel bad for small owner-operators in the retail industry, especially those in the restaurant business. … Maybe in a week or so, we make one more small step forward to returning to something more normal like…

Farmers are a better judge of the need for rain than me … but after cutting grass (weeds) at our place recently, kinda dry.

Good to see a new corn crop ‘springing forth.’

One of my blueberry owner-operators friends indicated the 2020 crop should be ‘pretty good’ despite some damage due to a cold snap earlier in the growing season…

Bladen County Commissioners meet Monday, 6:30 p.m. Checking the agenda, one item that caught my eye was a couple of Public Hearings regarding forgivable loans in the total range of $1.1 million, loans from the Federal Government … part of the recent efforts by Congress and the President to assist local governments in these difficult days. … Action Monday night is is pretty much a formality … (My guess).

And, commissioners will receive the audit for FY 2018-19 … and an update from staff of first 10 months of the current year finances. … A new budget is currently being developed … normal business … Just a little more difficult in these troubled times…

The meeting begins in the basement of the courthouse at 6:30 p.m. and is open to the public. 45 years ago, I had the pleasure of serving on the board … budget time is tough in a large, sparsely populated rural county, with all the basic needs of other more affluent areas across the state, true then and now.

Still love calling Bladen County home…

“Once you get dirt in your shoes, you can’t ever get it out.”

“Farming is not a job, it’s a way of life … a heritage, a calling.”

“Some people dream of success … while others wake up and work hard for it.”

robert g hester

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