Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingMy guess is grocery stores will be the busiest places in town for next few days … Was yesterday…

What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Be Safe…

I remember years ago my boys probably dreaded to see Thanksgiving come around … We cleaned yards … Still do that, but alone … Boys have their own yards to clean, then we enjoy the turkey and dressing … or whatever is on the menu.

Lots of football on TV Thursday…
12:30 p.m., Bills at Lions
4:30 p.m., Giants at Cowboys
8:20 p.m., Patriots at Vikings

Local, high school action … mostly basketball…

41 degrees at 6:15 a.m. today…

Partly sunny today … high temp near 64 degrees. Mostly cloudy tonight, low around 42. Wednesday … Mostly sunny with a high near 66 … and taking a peek at Thanksgiving Day … Mostly sunny, with a high near 66…

Clean yards?, maybe, great time to be with family and friends and play golf … No, not me … No one wants to play with me … I gave up on me playing golf years ago.

Traveling this year or are relatives coming to see you?…

I repeat myself … as a youngster … load up the mule and wagon and head to grannies … both grannies … Looked like the Beverly Hillbillies … But who cared?

Thanks to all who shared thoughts about ”Thoughts’ … I appreciate…

“Remember, Thanksgiving is a time to count blessing, not your carbs.”

“Thinner before Thanksgiving dinner.”

“Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving followed by a Peaceful Nap.”

robert g hester

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