Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingIf you could sit and talk for an hour with anyone, anyone you desire, who would it be?

Wish I was worth a lot of the money, I mean lots of money.  I think I would like to help recent college graduates pay-off their college loans so they could get on with their life.  Imagine, your graduation gift is a payment book with a balance of ?????? whatever.

Having recently celebrated birthday number 78, I decided to see what my life expectancy is.  9.2 years, according to one source and the likely cause of death…..cancer.  Heart attack and strokes also rank high on the list. 

Had some time to browse through downtown E-town yesterday, checking on business, politics, etc.

My findings…would not be surprised to see a R/D coalition on the Board of Commissioners that could move the board to the right.  There are three new Republican members, (2 are former D’s).  Another D. I am told, is considering changing registration from D to R.  (I have no proof).  That would be 4, only need one more vote.  Whether that occurs or not, no way to know ’til it happens, if in fact it does.  If all that were to materialize, the budget process would likely be a little more interesting, the closure of schools (which schools would close) could be effected.  Playing into the process could be recent ‘hard line politics’ by the ‘far left.’ 

I know, a lot of ‘ifs’, and the thoughts are mine and mine alone.

As in the recent national election, the ‘silent majority’ may be moving to the for-front.

The first evidence of a D/R coalition may be at the December 5 commissioners meeting when the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the coming year are elected.

Say a prayer for our neighbors to the west.  Fires are roaring across the mountains and some of our own fireman have volunteered.

Bumper stickers:

Annoy a politician today.  THINK!

Vote Conservative! There’s no mistake like an old mistake!

Vote Democrat—It’s easier than working!

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