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College football results …
Wake Forest 44 – NC State 10
Virginia 38 – UNC 31
Boston College 58 – Syracuse 27
Notre Dame 21 – Virginia Tech 20
Clemson 59 – Wofford 14
Miami (Fla) 27 – Florida State 10
Pittsburgh 30 – Georgia Tech 10
Georgia Southern 24 – App State 21
Cincinnati 46 – East Carolina 43
Air Force 17 – Army 13
Georgia 24 – Florida 17
Pittsburgh 20 – Georgia Tech 10
South Carolina 24 – Vanderbilt 7
Shaw 21 – Winston Salem State 0

Many teams had open dates …

Time for basketball …

Hopefully you set your clocks & watches, made the adjustment to new time.

Weather for today … sunny, with a high near 62 and windy … winds from the north at 5 to 10 mph, with gust as high as 18 mph.

Time to plan for Thanksgiving, begin addressing Christmas cards, so you can mail them before the last days of December …

A reminder of the Annual Meeting of Star Telephone member/owners, Saturday in Clinton …

As a youngster … I was very interested in how many days we would be out of school for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.

Municipal election will likely have top billing this week. … Elections will be held Tuesday …

And the courts and our distinguished political leaders still squabbling over re-districting. … My opinion? Thanks for asking … Politicians should not be drawing lines that protect themselves. … Too late, but what about a bi-partisan committee of non-office holders. … Courts will apparently decide. … It can’t be that difficult … just be fair to all … let fourth graders do it, using crayons … and current population info.

“An honest man in politics shines more there than he would elsewhere.” Mark Twain

“A politician thinks of the next election – a statesman of the next generation.” James Freeman Clarke

“Politics is the gently art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.” Oscar Ameringer

“Politics has become so expensive that it takes a lot of money even to be defeated.” Will Rogers

robert g hester

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