Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWell, well, well….the end of the 2016 elections process is in sight.

If you haven’t voted, today is the day.  Questions?  Call the Bladen County Board of Elections at 910-862-6951.

Over 9,600 Bladen County voters have already cast their ballot.  4 years ago, In the last presidential contest, nearly 16,000 locals voted, or 69% of the over 23,000 who were registered.  Hope we top that number.  Vote your conscience, but VOTE.

We have had a highly contested election.  When the votes are counted and the winners identified, just remember, we are AMERICANS first.  After today, the election process for 2016 should be over.  The work of governing begins shortly.  Hope all Democrats, Republicans, Unaffiliated, Green and Libertarians can work for a better USA.  A wish, not likely.  Some bruised egos require longer to heal, if ever, including many locals. Frankly, think candidates at the top of the ballot could have, should have been better. Our process is not perfect, but better than any I am aware of.

Speaking of winners, the East Bladen Men’s Soccer team is off to First Flight High School on the Outer Banks for hopefully the next win on their way to the state championship.  Best wishes for a win and a safe trip.

As you know, John Clark covers the sports news for BladenOnline.  Check his article about Rahu Purdie,  West Bladen grad, now playing basketball for Lander.  He scored 9 points Thursday night against the Clemson Tigers.  Lander lost 105-49, but a good outing for another local player.

Maybe a little late, but if you rise early in the AM, may have seen frost over the past few days.

A reminder of the Star TMC Annual meeting that will be held Saturday at Bladen Community College on NC Hwy 41, near Dublin beginning at 10 AM.  Three directors will be elected, a financial report will be available, entertainment and door prizes.  Grand prize is $1,000 CASH.  Star members are urged to attend.

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.   Robert H. Schuller

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.  Confucius

Keep your eyes on the stars, and you feet on the ground.  Theodore Roosevelt

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