Thoughts While Shaving
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NFL update…
Saints 30 – LA Chargers 27 (overtime)
Patriots vs Broncos, PPD
Tonight … 7 p.m., Bills vs Titans

Must be fall … leaves falling faster … thanks to wind and rain.

Guess it’s an age thing … seems my list of ‘friends’ on the sick list continues to grow…

Elizabethtown-White Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting has been changed from regular meeting to virtual at 4 p.m. … A Zoom meeting. Need more info, contact Terri Dennison at the Chamber…

I have not done a Zoom meeting … used all kind of excuses … Fact is … I do not know how, and embarrassed to ask for help … Not necessarily for the chamber, but for any Zoom meeting … Wish I had lots of money … think Zoom would be one of my top investments, based on the number of folks and organizations using it…

See lots of friends I have contact with over the years … see them, talk to them, know I know them and have no idea who they are … One of my senior friends reminds me it’s an age thing … If you are fortunate to live to a ‘ripe’ old age, bet you will understand…

Remember when ballots were counted by hand, no one had ever heard of a computer system … one, two, three, four … tally … can hear them now. And many volunteers participated … The longest I recall was the wee early morning hours … 4 or 5 a.m., and many were there ’til the last ballot was counted … You know the candidates were there…

One Stop voting begins this week … Thursday to be exact…

Will be happy when COVID-19 is no more and the election is finely over … Election will be over Tuesday, November 3, 2020 … Hopefully there will be a clear winner.

“Why pay money to have your family tree traced; go into politics and your opponents will do it for you.” Author Unknown

“George Washington is the only president who didn’t blame the previous administration for his troubles.” Author Unknown

“We stand today at a crossroads; One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other leads to total extinction. Let us hope we have the wisdom to make the right choice.” Woody Allen

robert g hester

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