Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingNo school today for students.

Candidate’s Forum scheduled for Bladen Community College Tuesday (tomorrow) from 7 PM until 8:30 PM.  Candidates for Bladen County Board of Commissioners and Board of Education are expected to participate.

Work is underway by NCDOT attempting to repair/rebuild, our road system, not just in Bladen County but across eastern North Carolina.

We have a ‘mess’, but so do others.

Volunteers still active collecting and delivering supplies to those who lost all.

Would love to see a few prosecutions for littering.  A few careless individuals continue to use roadways as their ‘trashbags.”

Despite power outages, Internet ‘down time’, and other disruptions, BladenOnline recorded a great week.  Hard work by a small staff is rewarded by strong numbers:

Oct 9 – 16, 2016

Pages Viewed: 162,935 (3rd most in history)

Visits: 33,315 (5th most in history)

Same week a year ago (2015)

Pages Viewed: 106,928

Visits: 17,533.

In addition to our online website, Twitter and Facebook visits were strong.

Most read stories

4,424: N.C. Department of Transportation road, bridge closure status (Oct 10)

3,190: Scam artists are operating in Bladen County (Oct 14)

2,785: Power Outage update from Duke Energy (Oct 10)

2,582: Road Updates (Oct 8)

2,381: Mathew bring flooding, road damage, power outages & two fatalities (Oct 9)

2,087: Official statement from Bladen DSS concerning Food & Nutrition Services (Oct 14)

Our slideshow of Hurricane Mathew flooding was viewed 13,980 times.

The stats say it all.  If not BladenOnline, who and when?

Politicians and diapers have one thing in common.  They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.

My favorite mythical creature?  The honest politician.

I remember when Halloween was the scariest night of the year.  Now, it’s Election Night.

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