Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingTraveling eastern NC roads is still like maneuvering over an obstacle course.  Can I get there from here?  Much progress is being made thanks to NCDOT, everyday is a little better than the day before.

Don’t know that I have ever seen so many local residents involved in helping others.

Who could have dreamed we would be so adversely affected by Hurricane Mathew when it was coming up the coast and the eye of the storm was expected to skirt the coast.

School officials will likely be adjusting their schedule throughout the current school year.

One more time…….Beware of Con Artist!

The Bladenboro Bulldog class of ’56 will have a class reunion at Village Station, Lumberton, Saturday, November 26, beginning at 11:30 AM.  Class members should be receiving info over the next couple of days.  Count ’em, 60 years ago.

Local Candidate’s Forum is scheduled for this evening at Bladen Community College (Auditorium) from 7 – 8:30 PM, sponsored by Elizabethtown-White Lake Chamber of Commerce.

The final debate for NC Governor will be held tonight, beginning at 7 PM.

The final Presidential Debate will be held Wednesday (tomorrow) night, at 9 PM.  Chris Wallace of Fox News will be the moderator.  He has announced the topics, which will be discussed in six 15-minute segments.  They include:

*Debt and entitlements



*Supreme Court

*Foreign hot spots

*Fitness to be President

Today is the last day to register to vote in the November 8th election.  And, early voting begins Thursday.

The more you read and observe about the Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other.  Will Rogers

Truth varies.   Rule of Political Promises

In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.   Napoleon Bonaparte

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