Thoughts While Shaving
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Love the stories about good deeds this time of the year, and fortunately, there are many.
Want to have a better Christmas holiday?  Reach out and do a good deed.  Your choice……
Pray for our leaders; especially state and national.
Help me understand our legislative leaders.  They have super majorities in the NC House and Senate and hold the Governor’s office for a few more days, but their failure to address HB2 is the fault of the opposing party.
Holidays for many includes travel, and there will be millions on the roads, in the air and other modes of transportation.  Travel can be dangerous, be safe.
Statistics indicate Christmas is third busiest time for travel by Americans.  Know the first two, how about the top 5, according to ‘traveltips’ website?
1) The day before Thanksgiving
2) Fridays in summer
3) Christmas
4) July 4th
5) Memorial Day
Thursday night is important for our family, siblings….We continue to gather and share a meal, weekly.  I am amazed at the great choices of restaurants in the area.
I think back over the years and about the only way I can describe my past is like being in a mule and wagon and the wagon is loaded with wonderful memories, and a few not so good, but good learning experiences.
We are down to a few hours remaining for late Christmas shoppers.  Shop locally, if possible.
A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds.  A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.  Saint Basil
Every day, nay every moment, try to do some good deed.  Abu Bakr
A good deed is not just a duty, but above all, a privilege.  Shari Arison
robert g hester

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