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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) issued the following statement in response to Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech regarding Israel:

“In the waning days of President Obama’s final term, his administration – though its words and actions – has engaged in an inexplicable campaign of disparagement towards Israel. This appears aimed at abandoning the longstanding bipartisan precedent of America’s special relationship with Israel, one of our closest allies and the only democracy in the Middle East.

“While Secretary Kerry had the audacity to go out of his way to insultingly claim that the Israeli government is being driven by “extreme elements,” he amazingly refused to refer to Hamas for what it actually is – a terrorist group that targets and kills innocent Israeli civilians.

“This is a shameful episode in the history of U.S. foreign relations, and I look forward to having an administration that is committed to restoring our special friendship with Israel and making productive efforts to achieve a two state solution.”

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