WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) co-sponsored a bipartisan resolution calling for a prompt multinational freedom of navigation operation in the Black Sea and the cancellation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in response to Russia’s recent aggressive actions in the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov.
“Russian aggression in Ukraine and throughout Eastern Europe has gone on for far too long,” said Senator Tillis. “Their most recent actions in the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azoz are unacceptable and I am proud to be a part of this resolution calling for an appropriate response.”
Tillis serves as the co-chair of the Senate NATO Observer Group and has strongly supported imposing sanctions on the Russian government for its various transgressions across the world, including meddling in the elections of the United States and other Western democracies, unlawfully invading Crimea, and assassinating journalists and dissidents.