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Today is the last day to submit your comments for the statewide general swine permit that regulates swine waste. Almost all of North Carolina’s swine operations are subject to meeting all  of the requirements of the permit.

You can review a copy of the 2019 Proposed Swine Permit here.

NC Farm Families offers a pre-written letter you can use to frame your comments. Send a pre-written letter here: https://ncfarmfamilies.com/stand/

Personalized letters have a greater impact and can be emailed to DEQ at SwinePermit.Comments@ncdenr.gov.  To assist in these personalized letters, below are some talking points to aid you in your letters to NCDEQ.

Some suggested Talking Points are :

1) Additional regulations are not necessary. According to DEQ records, there are not widespread violations that necessitate adding new regulations to the General Swine Permit.

2) North Carolina already has some of the nation’s toughest regulations for hog farms, including an annual on-site inspection of every farm and comprehensive rules about managing animal waste. Farmers care about our natural resources and comply with these regulations.

3) Adding new regulations to the General Swine Permit is costly, time-consuming and unnecessary. No other industry is subjected to annual on-site inspections AND required to complete annual compliance reports.

4) Requiring electronic records does not strengthen our state’s environmental protections.

5) I support family farmers and everything they do to support the North Carolina economy and our rural communities. Do not make life more difficult for our farmers by adding burdensome regulations.

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