Bladenboro Town Hall
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Bladenboro Town HallThe Town of Bladenboro is accepting bids for the paving of Grief Street and Lennon Drive. The Town is asking that all bids be sealed and both projects be bid separately. Bids must be received by 5 p.m. April 9th, 2018. Bids will be opened at 7 p.m. during the Board of Commissioner’s April meeting.

Work must be completed by June 31st, 2018.

Grief Street is approximately 550 ft. long and 20 ft. wide. Road width expands at connection to M.L.K. Jr Drive. Bidder is responsible for getting their own measurements.

Midway Drive is approximately 1350 ft. long and 20ft wide. Road is wider at small cul-de-sac and connection to W. Seaboard. Bidder is responsible for getting their own measurements.

All bids will need to include the following items for each project:

Grief Street
Estimated Square footage
Estimated volume of asphalt needed
Repair/ filling of potholes
Bid at 2 inches of asphalt
There are not any utilities or speed bumps on this road.

Lennon Drive
Estimated Square footage
Estimated volume of asphalt needed
Repair/ filling of potholes
Ring Riser for one (1) Manhole and two (2) water valves
Removal of speed bumps
Bid at 1.5 inches with a 2 inch option

All bids should be in a lump sum format.

If desired, bidders can schedule a site visit with John O’Daniel. He can be contacted at Town Hall (910) 863-3655.

Author: bladenonline

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