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On Monday, July 12, around 10:15 in the morning, motorists reported shots being fired at them while they were driving. According to the Bladen County Sheriff’s Office, the incident occurred on Highway 87 in the area of East Arcadia.

One of the motorists filed a report with the Sheriff’s Office after a bullet hit her car. 

In a public statement on Facebook, one of the witnesses announced she was one of the motorists in the area. She said, “…All of sudden I heard gun shots coming from right beside me, ducked back to avoid getting shot as a bullet grazed my driver side window within a foot of my head, and saw ahead of me a young guy hanging out of a small black car’s passenger window laughing and shooting towards the cars in the right hand lane.”

She added, “Thankfully I didn’t get shot, but my nerves are shot now for sure!!!”

According to the Sheriff’s Office, the suspect is a black male and was in a black Honda car. Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the Bladen County Sheriff’s Office at 910-862-6960.

Recently there have been many reports about traffic shootings. Jake Nelson, AAA’s Director of Traffic Safety Advocacy and Research said in a recent news release about road rage, “Don’t risk escalating a frustrating situation because you never know what the other driver might do. Maintain a cool head, and focus on reaching your destination safely.”

AAA offers these tips to help prevent road rage:

  • Don’t Offend: Never cause another driver to change their speed or direction. That means not forcing another driver to use their brakes, or turn the steering wheel in response to something you have done.
  • Be Tolerant and Forgiving: The other driver may just be having a really bad day. Assume that it’s not personal.
  • Do Not Respond: Don’t make gestures, maintain space around your vehicle, and contact 9-1-1 if needed.

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