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Public Policy Polling’s (PPP) latest poll finds that, among North Carolina Republican primary voters, Donald Trump has the most support for the Republican Presidential nomination with nearly 10 months to go before the NC Primary Election.  Trump leads GOP candidates with 16%, followed by Jeb Bush and Scott Walker at 12% each, Mike Huckabee at 11%, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson at 9% each, Rand Paul at 7%, Ted Cruz at 6%, Chris Christie at 5%, Carly Fiorina at 4% and Rick Perry at 2%.  Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, and Rick Santorum are all at 1% while John Kasich and George Pataki get less than 1%.
According to the PPP poll, Trump’s support comes largely from men.  61% of GOP men view Trump favorably compared to 49% of women.  20% of men would like to see Trump as the Republican nominee, while 11% of women say Trump is their number one choice.
“Three weeks after his candidacy announcement Donald Trump just seems to be getting stronger,” said Dean Dednam, President of Public Policy Polling. “It may just be a matter of time before the novelty wears off, but it hasn’t yet.”
All GOP candidates are viewed favorably by GOP primary voters in North Carolina except for Christie, who is viewed favorably by only 27%.  Huckabee is viewed extremely favorably at 65/19, along with Carson at 55/10, Cruz 53/17, Rubio at 57/16, and Walker at 51/14.  Bush, Paul, and Trump are viewed favorably at 43/35, 49/22 and 55/32 respectively.  Fiorina still suffers from low recognition numbers with 50% of voters unsure how they feel and other voters favoring her 33/17.
Despite his success, Trump still trails Hillary Clinton among all voters, 47/44.  Other Republican candidates have surpassed Clinton since the PPP poll in North Carolina on June 4th.  In June, Clinton led Carson 46/44, Marco Rubio 45/44, and Mike Huckabee 46/44.  Carson now leads Clinton 47/44, Rubio leads Clinton 47/46, and Huckabee leads Clinton 49/45.  Fiorina is now even with Clinton at 45/45, whereas Clinton had a 6-point lead a month ago.  Walker, who was tied with Clinton at 45/45 last June, now has a 47/43 lead on the Democratic frontrunner.
Public Policy Polling surveyed 529 registered voters overall, 288 Republican primary voters, and 286 Democratic primary voters from July 2nd-6th.  The margin of error for the overall survey is +/-5.8%.  80% of participants responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the Internet.
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